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Industry volunteers are the cornerstone of the International Foundation. Are you interested in becoming more involved? Your input could provide value and support to the many educational offerings and services International Foundation members and the benefits community rely on. Here’s how you can increase your personal involvement in the International Foundation:


Connect and Leverage Your Community—Share best practices and find solutions on Foundation Community. You can also connect with colleagues, fellow members and information on Foundation social networks. Nowhere else will you find people who understand your challenges quite like this community does!


Speak, Present, Author—Don’t keep your knowledge to yourself! Help others in the trenches by sharing your ideas and thought leadership through authoring a magazine article or presenting a conference session or a webcast. You could also moderate a session or serve as a discussion leader.


Serve on a Committee—Take an active part in developing products and services and charting courses of action for the International Foundation by volunteering at the Committee or Board level. Any member of the International Foundation can be nominated. Submit your information or nominate a colleague. We'd love to hear from you.

Learn About the International Foundation

The ongoing success and quality of the International Foundation's products and services are due in large part to the collective efforts of its volunteers—those with a commitment to education and a willingness to donate extra time to support the advancement of a challenging industry. We encourage you to join that special group of leaders.

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