Certificate of Achievement in Public Plan Policy (CAPPP®)
CAPPP stands for the Certificate of Achievement in Public Plan Policy. It includes a Health track and a Pensions track, and is designed specifically for public sector trustees and support staff of these plans.
The CAPPP program is essential education for new public sector trustees and the completion of the program demonstrates a strong educational foundation in the core topic areas of public sector pension and health plans.Topics include fiduciary responsibility, legislation and regulation, and plan design. The CAPPP program ensures public sector trustees and the staff that support them are well prepared for their roles.
CAPPP is an exam-based program. In order to earn the Certificate of Achievement, individuals must pass two take-home exams: one for Part I and one for Part II. Individuals can take the two-day courses independently or consecutively and Part II can be taken before Part I.
Certificate of Achievement in Pensions
A Certificate in Pensions is for public sector trustees and support staff of public sector pension plans. The Certificate of Achievement is earned after individuals attend all modules and pass the corresponding exams.
Pensions Part I
Day 1
Governance (Joint session with CAPPP Health): 8:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
- An overview of the governance of public pension and health plans, including a broad-based orientation addressing issues, duties and responsibilities
- Participate in an interactive environment with small-group discussion to gain a deeper knowledge of governance issues.
- An overview of the legal environment in which public plans operate
- Review fiduciary duties and the role of fiduciary decisions making.
- Apply legal concepts to hypothesized situations.
- Familiarize policy makers with necessary components of advice.
Day 2
Legal, Legislative and Regulatory Developments: 8:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m
- Evolution of public plans and regulations
- Current rules and regulations of significance
- Tax deferral plans and their role of retirement income
- Challenges and benefits of public sector plans
- Possible outlook for future legislative and regulatory activity
- The role and function of actuaries
- Applicable pension plan policies
- Cash flow characteristics
- The basic methods and assumptions for evaluating future events
- Asset valuation methods
- Experience investigations
- Actuarial reviews and audits
Pensions Part II
Day 1
Plan Design: 8:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
- Adequacy funding and risks of retirement
- An overview of basic retirement plan components
- The features unique to public plans
- The structure of alternative plan designs
- A review of the legislative landscape
- Case studies
- Setting goals and objectives for developing an investment policy
- Asset allocation strategies
- An explanation of asset classes
- Selecting and monitoring investment performance
- Components of an investment report
Day 2
Business Improvement Strategies: 8:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m
- How to effectively use strategic planning to fucus on the most important aspects of the organization
- How to integrate tools and tips to improve your organizations’ risk assessment effectiveness
- How to strategically analyze, audit and improve your operations
- An overview of workforce attitudes and demographics
- An explanation of tools for trustees and administrators
- An overview of emerging and hot topics
Certificate of Achievement in Health
A Certificate in Health is for public sector trustees and support staff of public sector health plans. The Certificate of Achievement is earned after individuals attend all modules and pass the corresponding exams.
Health Part I
Day 1
Governance (Joint session with CAPPP Pensions): 8:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
An overview of the governance of public pension and health plans, including a broad-based orientation addressing issues, duties and responsibilities.
Participate in an interactive environment with small group discussion to gain a deeper knowledge of governance issues.
Fiduciary Responsibility: 1:00-5:00 p.m.
An overview of a trustee’s or administrator’s fiduciary duties
Examine legal concepts as they apply to hypothetical situations
A review of hot topics in the public sector legal environment
Day 2
Legislative and Regulatory Developments: 8:00-11:30 a.m.
Overview of federal legislative impacting health care plans for active and Medicare populations
An overview of key ACA issues for public sector plans
Potential federal legislative changes
Actuarial Principles: 12:30-4:00 p.m.
Overview of actuarial principles
Basic methods and assumptions
The factors involved in rate setting
Short-/long-term projections
Health Part II
Day 1
Change Management and Communication Strategies: 8:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
• Improving staff competencies
• The use of effective information systems
• Developing successful communication plans
Concepts of Group Health Plan Administration: 1:00-5:00 p.m.
• Population health concepts and strategy
• Understanding basic health plan designs and options for structuring a plan
• Understanding plan funding and financing
Day 2
Health Plan Strategies and Options: 8:00-11:30 a.m.
• Evaluating the health care equation
• Understanding employer strategies/options
• Class exercise and discussion
Emerging Issues: 12:30-4:00 p.m.
• Evaluating the forces shaping health care (AI, telemedicine, pandemics, etc.)
• Mental health
• Specialty drugs
Benefits of Attending
- Learn thorough, on-target information directly from leading consultants and practitioners in the public sector benefits field
- Connect with other public sector trustees and support staff
- Gain confidence in your role as a public sector trustee
- Leave with valuable resource materials for future reference
- Demonstrate your expertise with a Certificate of Achievement in Public Plan Policy
Continuing Education
Educational sessions at this program can qualify for CEBS Compliance credit. Visit
www.cebs.org/compliance for additional information.
View our registration policies.