Life Cycle of a Group Benefits Plan
Recommended Sequence (course 4 of 4): It is recommended that you take this course last, after taking Group Insurance Landscape, Group Benefits Design and Administration, and Group Benefits Funding and Pricing.
Life Cycle of a Group Benefits Plan outlines the insurer’s role and responsibilities at all stages of a group benefits plan life cycle—prospecting, quoting/proposing, selling, implementing, servicing, amending/renewing and terminating a group insurance plan. The application of principles of ethical decision making throughout the life cycle of a group benefits plan is examined from the perspectives of all parties involved—plan sponsor, insurer, plan advisors and plan members.
- Lesson 1: Prospecting a Group Benefits Plan
- Lesson 2: Quoting/Proposing and Selling a Group Benefits Plan
- Lesson 3: Implementing and Servicing a Group Benefits Plan
- Lesson 4: Amending/Renewing to Terminating a Group Benefits Plan
- Lesson 5: Ethical Decision Making
View full course outline [PDF].
This course counts toward the
Fundamentals in Group Benefits certificate. Earn your certificate to understand why insurance is
needed, the common benefits provided under group benefits plans, and the
roles and responsibilities regarding the management of a group benefits
One-Credit Course
Price: $95 Members
($145 Nonmembers)
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